Wednesday 30 June 2010

Recording 'Dead Sea' - Day 2

Yesterday we arrived on time, the drive up was pretty entertaining, we listened to some Richard Pryor stand up, i would like to quote some of his jokes but they don't come across quite the same so i'm not gunna bother, the main gist of it was a story involving a voodoo lady healing his friends swollen feet by pissing on them, it's a gas!

Anyways... we started by listening to everything that we laid down the day before just incase we had to re do some of it and we did, so we got right to it! 
We had 6 songs and a cover to do, it took a while but we got into it eventually

It's been a while since we recorded like this. The recording process for songs that we recorded for 7"s and various other stuff at the end of last summer and earlier this year was pretty different, we did everything live all in the same room, with no headphones, played one or two takes and then moved on and just ignored little mistakes, we did the same thing with the demos of these songs and it's what we've gotten used to. Doing things this way is great and i'm sure that we will continue to use the same process again with future recordings but right now we are trying to get everything right and it can be pretty frustrating, especially with drums - There are so many little things going on and if just one of these tiny variables gets missed then we have to start over! That's the part that we aren't totally used to i guess. 
I don't know if it's an excuse that we have told ourselves but yesterday we figured out that there is no such thing as a perfect take and maybe this is another excuse but i think that it's probably a good thing. It's not like we're fucking session musicians, we're a punk band and mistakes are human right?

So yeah, we just powered through all morning. By about 2:30 we were getting hungry and tired and takes were getting worse so we took a break for lunch.

After lunch we finished off the last couple of songs and recorded a Dead Milkmen cover, then we were done! well, drums and bass that is...


By this time it was about 5pm, Big Tim did some futurising stuff to the tracks on his computer and we made sure we had nailed everything, then Jenks got ready to play some guitar. Meanwhile we watched videos of Dwight Schrute on you tube and played with a fat cat.

Jenks drew a picture of me and Rhys and got his guitar sounding nice

Then a lead broke and needed re-soldering and shit, it was almost 7 so we called it a day.

We are back here right now and Jenks is killing it, he spent the last 20 minutes playing with feed back!

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