Friday 8 August 2008

recording beers DAY 1

thursday august 7th

we got to the studio at 10am, we drank a bunch of coffee then rhys set up his drums. i set up my bass shit, meanwhile tim (the producer) set up all the mics, tim is awesome!
we started recording bass and drums at about mid day, we did a few songs then went for lunch. i got macaronis cheese from co-op and put it in the microwave, tim showed us some funny stuff on the internet, some of it was gross.

we recorded the rest of the bass and drums, it was pretty intense.

we recorded six songs, one of them will be on the album and not on 'beers.'

rhys looked pretty cool once he nailed his drums.

tim, miles and jenks sat around talking about cats and moustaches, it was pretty intense.


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