Friday, 12 April 2013

Sunny Europe with The Slooow Death

We are heading to Europe with The Slow Death next month.
Here are all the date;

May 10th - DNA - Brussels, Belgium
May 11th - Carpe Diem - Hasselt, Belgium
May 12th - Baracke - Munster, Germany
May 13th - Rote Flora - Hamburg, Germany
May 14th - Ramones Museum - Berlin, Germany
May 15th - Emil - Zittau, Germany
May 16th - Cafe Na Pul Cesty - Prague, Czech Republic
May 17th - EKH - Vienna, Austria
May 18th - Sub - Graz, Austria
May 19th - Alte Malzerei - Regensberg, Germany
May 20th - Neustad 52 - Schaffausen, Switzerland
May 21st  - Spazio 211 - Turin, Italy
May 22nd - Staccato - Nice, France
May 23rd - Les Capucins - Lyon, France
May 24th - La Miroiterie - Paris, France
May 25th - The Windmill - London, England

See you there.

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