Saturday, 1 January 2011


happy new year! 
2010 was pretty happening, we managed to do quite a lot of things, we're going to try our best to keep busy throughout this year too. we are heading out on tour for a while in a week or so. the UK tour that we had planned for february with THE FLATLINERS and OK PILOT has been postponed, that's a real shame BUT we have managed to put a replacement UK tour together instead, it's still kind of in the works but should be sorted within the next week. we should have copies of Dead Sea on LP with us during that tour, that'll be cool! 

since myspace has gone to shit here are all the dates we have coming up; (look right - woohoo)

i'm a mong with the internet so our friend owen is going to show me how to permanently keep our tour dates visible on this blog, as well as adding a music player, once that's done then this here blog will be all the arteries info that any one person can handle at once. other 2011 plans of ours include mainland euro, n.american tours and writing and recoding a bunch of new songs. watch this space...

you should Pre order and download KISSSS THISSSS!!!

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