Tuesday, 2 November 2010


we got beck to new jersey today, we left gainesville at 7pm yesterday, it was one hell of a drive, us brits aren't used to that, but then again we're not used to 5 hour energy shots either! the tour down to The Fest with STATIC RADIO NJ was a total blast, every show was a lot of fun and we saw some really cool and really strange places, we also made a lot of new friends and got the chance to catch up with some old buddies too. we also had the chance to play with some bodacious bands; Young Livers, Transgressions, Iron Chic, Pacer, Big Eyes, Back Pocket, The Great Explainer, The Arrivals to name a few... 
Thanks to everyone that helped us out with a show and a place to stay, we really appreciate the help, you rule! 

here are some snaps that we took along the way;

there should be a bunch more to come, we dressed up as Peter Criss for our fest show and so did all the cool people is the crowd, hopefully i'll be able to track down some photos...
we're staying in jersey until we fly home at the end of the week, i think we're going to try and play a few shows this week, we're playing at the Asbury Lanes on wednesday night

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